Query multi databases in one sql statement

With that new feature you can execute SQL Statements across mutiple Caché Servers; Namespace and other Datasources like SQL Server; MS Access and more without any installation on the Server side! The working title for this feature is Query Cloud:


To work with the Query Cloud you have to add your tables first to that virtual database. Go to all your source tables you want to combine and select “Add table to query cloud…”. No data will be copied. The query cloud only save information about the source of that tables:


After that you can navigate to the Query Cloud in Server Navigator. Open a new query editor on that node and work with all tables across the servers and namespaces:


Please watch this video for more details:

More features:

New data node “Security” with User and Role detail lists:

TableViewer: More details about Tables for Caché databases are available like extentsize, classname, external tables. The caching of the metadata is improved to boost performance.


All changes in detail:

V 2.76 Build: 17.03.2016
– ENH  : Prevent multiple running instances of Caché Monitor.
         On Windows Caché Monitor search for a running instance on startup and if one found bring it to front.
- FIXED: Open connection before load metadata \ CPF File
- ENH  : "Close" on a server node execute the same action like "Disconnect"
- ENH  : "Refresh" on a table node improved, local cached metadata will be deleted
- ENH  : H2 Database support included
- FIXED: some minor fixes like memory leaks
- ENH  : New data node "Security" with User and Role detail lists
- ENH  : New feature: "QueryCloud"!
- ENH  : TableViewer: More details about Tables like extentsize, classname, external tables and more caching for table meta data to improve performance
- ENH  : List of SQL Gateway connections
- ENH  : All server\network calls are cancellable
- FIXED: Cursor navigation within Tablebrowser
- ENH  : Working with CSV files in QueryCloud
- ENH  : Open CSV files in QueryCloud via Drag&Drop. Just Drag&Drop your files from Windows file explorer into ServerNavigator.
- ENH  : Open text files in SQL Editor via Drag&Drop. Just Drag&Drop your files from Windows file explorer into SQL Editor to open.
- ENH  : Using database diagrams for JDBC connections
- ENH  : Removed Caché driver before version 2010.1. If you still need older Caché driver you can download from here
         http://www.sql-monitor.de/pub/addon_old_drivers.zip You have to extract the zip folder into <cache monitor folder>\lib
- FIXED: Add a Caché Server, press OK without a selected driver results in the problem that the dialog disappear silently without adding the server
- ENH  : New Function: Copy tables between Caché and JDBC Connections

Not available Namespaces are marked with a special icon:


Remote Namespaces are marked with a link icon:
